The Journey: 3 - Sociology


I am in the middle of exam month and I just need some space to fill this blank white box with dancing alphabets. So yeah, let's talk about Sociology.

First and foremost, I'd like to express my utter gratitude upon the chance that Allah gives for me to spend my two years studying here - bumi berkat KMS. This place has taught me 1001 (and more) lessons of life that I shall not forget and maybe I can say that being inspired by the people and the lessons learnt that I am able to mentally produce a life-survival kit?

Learning Sociology as one of the subjects to pass our A-Levels here is one blessing that I am thankful for. Initially, I couldn't understand any of the arguments being forwarded by the sociologists, what more with the ever-so-sophisticated English words in the textbooks. It was just difficult to totally grasp what we were learning during the first semester. However, from time to time, I began to gain more understanding of the gist of this subject. 

Sometimes, it takes several falls for us to wake up from the long sleep ey? 

I was quite confident of myself that I could totally get at least a B for AS Sociology last year. I didn't put my faith in His power in doing things that are beyond our imagination - allowing some people to achieve big things in life while he is a non-believer, testing one's life with poverty while he was His beloved messenger; our Prophet, Muhammad SAW.

I got a C and I am repeating the papers this month (or rather, next week).

But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not. (2:216)

(Kenapa cakap pasal result pulak ni haih)

Back to the story okay?

"Kalau aku nak bukak private school in the future, aku akan wajibkan subjek Sociology untuk diorang belajar."

"True true! Tak payah ambik exam pun takpe, belajar je just for the sake of understanding things & tengok dunia dari arah yang berbeza-beza."

"Kalau diorang kena ambik exam,  tak best lah. Nanti study sebab nak exam, bukan sebab suka pun. Study  & buat essays macam Ms. Muna buat dengan kita."

Through Sociology that I learn to look at things from different views & to agree to disagree if I find it necessary to present my idea on certain issues. The fact that life is never a bed of thorn-less roses is one perspective that I begin to understand through this subject too. 

In order to elevate your status is merely by learning things & read, read, read from different range of materials. 

(Hmm patutlah sekarang ni pantang nampak artikel berita bertemakan sosial/bahasa/budaya etc, mesti nak ambik & baca. Buku-buku cerita dah pandang sebelah mata je haih. My vocabulary to create narratives must have deteriorated now *sigh* That's why I don't like writing for Paper 2 AS English Language in Part a)

I come to realise that every aspect of the society has its own way of working and they may bring benefits to others and may exist to benefit their rulers. There will never be one purpose and one goal for things to happen as there will be plenty agendas to be attained.


zahiahorange said…
hai awoks. tinggal berapa hari je lagi saya boleh jumpa awok. ill defenitely gonna miss you. oredi miss you now act sobsss. inshaa Allah we will fly together. inshaa Allah :)