
Showing posts from May, 2012


Oh my! This is a sad story though, at least for me. sumber In case you don't know, the small beautiful flower above is called 'bunga rumput' (I've googled the English name for this flower but sadly, I didn't find any). Truth to be told, before I read someone's blog post on the other day about this Allah's creature, I've never even heard about the flower. Nobody has ever told me about this, really. :( Never mind. I now know about you, bunga rumput ! Miraculously, after getting to know about the flower, Allah gave me the chance to actually see the bunga rumput s with my own eyes! That happened this morning, when Athirah and I were on the way to school. Sumpah banyaaaaak sangat bunga rumput yang tak pernah dilihat sebelum ni sedang blooming. Cantik! Do you want to know something, Amal? I felt like Allah was telling you to calm down, no matter how big is the problem you are facing at the moment. Though Allah is always giving signals that

Shall this one pass too?

*luahan perasaan aku yang emosional, jangan tanya apa-apa* Despite the fact that I still have to take 4 more papers for 2 subjects tomorrow and the day after it, I still am here, trying to fill this box with some unimportant thoughts of mine. I am tired. I know that I shouldn't be feeling all this, but I am a mere human. I also have to undergo 'downs' phases in life, okay? Yes, I am currently in that phase, RIGHT NOW! I might look normal outside, I might present to you the sweetest smile I can carve on this face, but be sure to not to be fooled by all those beautiful things I show to you. I might all be lying, just to hide that ugly side of me. We don't want our loved ones to get affected with our bad days, true? Hmm, but it's bad jugak kan, tipu orang macam tu? Sekarang ni tengah exam, takkan nak bagi orang tension pasal kita pulak. Biarlah tension sorang-sorang. Allah ada, always. It's true what they say about being a teenager is the hardest cha

Of Love

Though I've kinda made a promise on updating this blog, I screwed it because I didn't have the chance of writing down all those beautiful things that has happened to me since the last post. Hectic life; I can put it that way. At the moment we think we can do everything, Allah makes us stop thinking that way by holding back the pleasures of our life for quite sometime. It is only to remind us that we are mere slaves. Sometimes, I am too engrossed with what I can see rather than taking a very good care of what's not to be seen.  The relationship with The One. Hmm, kena jaga elok-elok ni, Amal.  Sebabnya, kalau Allah ada, semuanya akan baik. If only you keep this in mind at all time.   Sewaktu awak rasa orang lain tu penting, awak letak Allah kat mana? Jangan lupa Dia, jangan lupa Dia. Orang lain tu semua milik Allah. Bayangkan, kalau semua orang yang awak sayang tu Allah ambil balik? Ya, saya tau awak akan sedih, awak akan rasa kehilangan. Therefore, don&#