
Showing posts from January, 2018


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Oh well, as always. I am not your frequent visitor anymore ey? If you're a person, you must be mad at me for not saying hi for so long kan? Disappeared for months and suddenly emerge out of the blue to confide in you. So, I am sorry for not updating. But truthfully, I miss you; I miss pouring my heart out here. Because you're a mere blank white page which doesn't judge me at all. You're a loyal listener and definitely a faithful friend of mine. Sooo, to make up for my long hiatus, this particular entry is gonna be a whimsical one because I just want to update, update and update. And maybe write some thoughts about life, in general. - Final year at university has been quite errmm how do I say ehh..not so hectic - but it's just me not balancing my time well and keep on doing work at the very last minute meh... But alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal, winter exam just ended last Monday - for me. We're starting our FINAL SEMESTER next