
Showing posts from October, 2016


Whitworth Park, October 2016 University of Manchester - Simon Building, October 2016 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. (I don't know why it is so hard for me to be committed to write on this blog. It's either because I'm a big bad procrastinator or simply lazy to write. Or I might be on a writer's block. Yeah, maybe that too.) When it is time to start uni, the most anticipated thing is the joy of seeing those yellow and orange leaves literally every where. Though the temperature will start dropping rapidly, the view is just nice that you can still spend your afternoon sitting at the park doing nothing. Just to make friends with these dying trees. Like how my dear friend described on her Instagram, they are undergoing a "beautiful death" (Mohd Fadzli, 2016). The coldness is sometimes unbearable that you wouldn't want to come out of the duvet. It'll be your best friend during autumn and winter every year. Seriously. That's the (petty)

Peace in A Land of Far Far Away

Mount Aspiring, New Zealand -September 2016 Both of the owner of these two pairs of legs miss this place so much. And at the time, that man with the bigger feet was forced to feature those grey shoes in the photo. But he still loves me anyway. Because I'm his sister. This time around, I am missing him. This place too. Always

New Year Post in 1438H

Having this feeling you thought you could never enjoy. After a year of feeling that you're alone, now that your life is full again, ain't that a gift? A gift from God who wants you to enjoy every bit of your time before the death arrives. Live good, will you? Make the most out of the blessings you receive and spread the love you want others to have. You can't expect to always feel grand (because this might just be because of latté you're drinking yknow?), you'll surely stumble. But just know that Allah is there to lift you up again. Biiznillah! Do this all for Him :)