
Showing posts from January, 2014

Exam (Part II)

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. We had mentor mentee session this evening and the discussion was mainly about our final exam results for the 1st semester. I admit that we did quite badly and that we didn't make full use of the potential that we already have within ourselves. Hence, the consequences - bad grades. Miss Nina is my mentor and she's very dear to us. In fact, deep in my heart, I have regarded her as my 'mother'. Well, every female teacher who teaches me here is indeed my other mother. I just love them. Ehem, okay I digress. The first day of our 2nd semester brought painful memories - being warned by the teachers that if we stay the same 'us', we might not fly at the end of A-level. Can you imagine how hurtful is that? To hear a heavy statement coming from the teachers themselves. My heart was crushed - our hearts were rushed, to pieces. The results are as if telling everybody that we didn't learn anything since we came here. Yes, it is THAT seri

Flash News!

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Alhamdulillah, I passed the driving test today. The 4th attempt, and with Allah's will, I passed. Ibu cried when I called her to inform the joyous news! Haruslah. 4 kali, kalau gagal lagi memang aish. The story behind the picture. Ibu asked me whether I've called Along to tell him that I've passed the test to which I said no. Then I immediately sent him the above message - merely to goof around. But exactly 1 minute interval, HE CALLED ME! All the way from Jengka, while having his evening jog.  Ahahaha I know I'm a bad sister. Alhamdulillah that he didn't get heart attack for that *phew* But I feel touched because...   Along, angah memain je lah! Saje nak bagitau angah dah lulus JPJ. Laahhh yeke...   Kenapa kalau betul? *evil laugh* Along balik sekarang jugak! *speechless*


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. How college life is treating me so far, you ask? I don't know how to answer that question for it's quite subjective you see. There are two sides of a coin but my life has more than that. Getting 11 points for the final exam for the 1st semester is quite surprising (but alhamdulillah in a good way) because I thought it would be easy peasy to get full points. Ha. Ha. You wish! Ironically for TESL & Linguistic students of KMS, it would be quite impossible to get an A for English even though that's the core subject that we'll be pursuing in the university soon. My English teacher even said that people prefer Mathematics than language because of the complexity of this field. *sigh* When I was in high school, I thought English was the easiest thing to do (no, bukan berniat untuk riak) if compared to other subjects. English has always been fun, the teachers are always bizarrely good and that makes me love English more. Biology needs me to re

How I Ended 2013 & Started 2014

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. (A month not writing huh?) During the last 2 weeks of 2013, I went to a place full of barakah in Sungai Udang, Melaka. To be more specific, a sekolah 'pondok' . Alhamdulillah, the experience was overwhelming. The people, the environment, the serenity that I felt there, they were all incomparable to things that I have in my real life (I mean, at home & college). Even though I was somehow introduced to learning kitab using the method of 'talaqi' with ustaz in KMS, the 'bertalaqi' mood in Baitul Qurro' was more authentic you see? Especially when it comes to Ustaz Shauqi's kuliyahs. The most important aspect that he highlighted on was to have 'adab with the teachers in class as what the teachers teach is always the knowledge that comes from Allah and it is highly advisable for the learners to respect every word that the teachers convey. But not only in class, teachers are to be respected at all times. For the keberk