
Showing posts from August, 2013


When they told me the stories from their respective colleges & universities, I felt somewhat isolated. Not physically of course, but the gap was felt, it was there, literally. Recently, I came to realise that I am not 'that' warm and open to share my life with new people or should I say, strangers? Seeing the pictures that they posted on the net made me cringed inside. "Am I really putting a great effort in adapting there?" They found their cliques, I found none. I have been disappointed by people who (kind of) left me for another person and yes, those were the days of me being so naive and a fool. I've been holding on to this quote for quite some time, "Love him (or her), he'll (or she'll) break your heart, love Him and this dunya can't tear you apart." I am comfortable being alone. Don't bother offering me your company cause I hate to put my trust in people that might someday break my heart (and I myself don't know

The word that starts with 'H'

Bismillah.  Happy. That's the word.  KMS' Surau al-Furqan, Ramadan 1434H/July 2013 She is happy that she's now in Keramat with the complete little big family of hers. Words cannot ever be enough to describe her exact feelings now. It's a combination of disbelief, joy and utter excitement. Somewhere near Bazar Ampangan. Cubaan berani mati keluar lepas Asar berdua dengan roommate just because I craved for kek batik, Ramadan 1434H/July 2013 Alhamdulillah. I hope that I will be more spirited to be a better me (academically, emotionally, spiritually) after this 2-week-Raya-break. I don't want to be sad anymore! *feeling deterrmined* Doakan please? :)  - Saya nak ke UK tahun 2016 nanti. Nak dapat 15 points untuk AS & A2; A-Level examinations. Semoga Allah beri yang terbaik untuk kita semua. 


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. All praises to Him that it's already a month (approximately) that KMS has become a part of me. Though this may sound cliche, indeed time flies so fast that I'm now a college student who's only a step away in getting what she has craved for since forever (haha forever lah sangat, waktu Form 3 je baru dapat ilham Allah bagi nak pergi oversea ni ha). I know that I've wronged gazillion times before and am quite certain that mistakes + sins will be made every day as long as I'm breathing. We are made of imperfections. But He has always believed that us, the imperfect human beings are the most perfect creature who will bring goodness to the world (in performing our duty as His khalifah), who will  be in His heaven (and an-Nar as well), there in the afterlife. Through the true stories that were told to me via the countless talks/sharing sessions here in KMS or maybe through the TV programmes etc, I come to the realisation that Allah is indee