
Showing posts from September, 2012


Bismillah. It has been quite a long time since the last post which was during the exam week, ey? Oh, now that I have mentioned the exam, I want to tell you that I am quite happy that my grades are improving. But of course, still, I couldn't get the 10As like I've always craved for. Blame the last minute study anyways. Alhamdulillah for the late night text I got from a loved one who was willing to wake me up. Otherwise, I won't be getting the whoaaah result (it's a whoaaah for me, sebab sebelum ni tak pernah dapat sebegitu rupa). Alhamdulillah for the photographic memory that I have and for these eyes which faithfully accompanied me through the shivering mornings. I am now not ashamed of myself because I did put 85% of my effort on this exam and I got what I deserve. Kalau put 110%, dapat la 10As kan? So, result tu, nanti la bagitau, sebab tak dapat yang penuh lagi. It sure is not something to be proud of for a supposedly pure science student like me, but yeah,


I feel like Allah is trying to tell me that He loves me, no matter what. No matter how stubborn I am, no matter how bad I've treated myself so far. Mungkin sebab kalau aku ni, cara untuk ditegur adalah dengan diberikan benda yang aku rasa yang I don't deserve, kot? Macam apa yang aku dapat hari ni. Seronoknyaaa. Rasa urusan aku dipermudahkan je sekarang ni. Walaupun usaha untuk ke arah dapat A tu tak nampak dengan jelas, Allah buat aku senang digest benda yang aku baca. Ain't that a good sign, baby? Sebab aku rasa sangat bersyukur sebab orang yang Allah bagi kesedaran untuk study awal-awal tak dapat memori yang macam aku. Alhamdulillah. Cuma nak bagitau kat diri sendiri yang sebenarnya awak tu beruntung sangat-sangat. Dapat nikmat ilmu yang mudah difahami tu. Walaupun memang tak confirm aku boleh dapat 100%, atau dapat gred A dalam keputusan nanti, aku dah bagitahu diri aku sendiri, aku tak boleh putus asa selagi belum mencuba. Kalau hendak seribu daya, tak hendak s