
Showing posts from October, 2014


Bismillah. When it comes to the tasks that we ought to carry out ourselves, we tend to forget the Divine Power that may and may not let the outcome to happen - as expected, no? We rely too much on our so-called efforts that we neglect His say in our life. Okay, maybe the pronoun that I used is rather incorrect. Replace the word 'we' with I then. Hence, I admit that I do this sometimes (or is it most of the time? Gulps). It is as if I simply forget the way to really put my heart into the prayers that I make. What Allah says in the Quran is true then that humans will normally become forgetful of the vows that we create once the prayers are answered. Ungrateful, we are. Therefore, the ayahs in the picture are merely to remind myself that I must not forget. I must not forget to pray wholeheartedly. Beg if I must. Yes, begging is more like it. La yukalli fullahu nafsan illa wus'aha . You must remember Amal, remember that when you feel troubled, He's there - will alw

Little Things

Bismillah. I suppose that not going back for 4-day break is quite an accomplishment for me knowing the fact that I am the type of person who will usually grab the opportunity to lazy around at home whenever possible. Now that the commitments are piling up, there's no way that I can find time to put things off ever again (HA HA YOU WISH!). A good thing about spending your holiday at the college is you will insyaAllah (by hook or by crook) find ways to finish your assignments and revisions. It's just because college has less of distractions if compared to the everyday life at home, right? Not to forget, the bi'ah that we have here at Kolej MARA Seremban as well the people who exist around us, acting as the 'mobile motivating tools' - am indeed grateful for that, alhamdulillah! It's quite surprising that I feel less homesick nowadays. Is it because I'm getting used to being away from home or is it the mind-over-matter thingy that we usually experience onc

Just because

Bismillah. Now that I have been away for quite some time, it feels rather awkward to start saying hi to you again. Nah, this is not an abstract piece, directed to my so-called future zauj blablabla. I am merely talking about posting any entry here, on this blog. The most solid reason why I have been abandoning you is that so many things are taking place in my life currently. So many MORE IMPORTANT things that I cannot afford to avert my attention away from them. Academic life of course and some other commitments that I must find way to cope well with. After all, the most honourable people are those who devote themselves for the benefits of others, isn't it? Thus, let's just put it this way; I am trying to make full use of the opportunities Allah gives me now in order to serve Him by doing works for people :) Updates: JOJI 4.0 had officially ended last week alhamdulillah. IELTS on November 1st. Re-take of English in less than 2 weeks.