
Showing posts from October, 2012

Rants 003

I don't quite comprehend myself you see. When it's actually the time to concentrate on studies and such, I deliberately flee on this la la land, finding solace within myself by pampering these eyes of mine by reading cool blogs or pampering the fingers by typing out my brain, here. Bila tak ada exam yang macam dekat ya amat sebelum ni, tak pulak macam ni. Allah. Aku tak tau apa nak jadi dengan aku ni. I should really make a list of things that I can and cannot do as SPM is just a few days away for myself ey? I really should, seriously. Tak sure lagi, whether or not this post will be the last writing of mine before the big exam. Macam tak dapat nak janji je, sebab of course la during the break within the exam week itself, nak update on the paper progress ke, how am I doing so far ke, anything la. Saje nak cari escape or emergency exit so that tak brain-dead nanti. I just pray that Allah will make things easy for me. The health, the studies, the precious precious time,

Dear me.

Pesan cikgu kami tadi, "Don't ever stop praying (termasuk lah doa & solat hajat) for your success." Cikgu, I'll remember this. Thank you for the insight. I am pretty sure that this one will go straight into my heart, cause what you told us was all true.  Tiada yang benar melainkan yang benar belaka. And I daresay that it's all up to us now. Whether to take this opportunity for granted or make something out of it.  13 days to go, for the biggest days in my life so far.  This chance will only come once in a blue moon. Take it or leave it, dear. Ignore the distractions please? Because you're worth it, because you have a lot of things that is way more important than the stuff that makes you cry sejak kebelakangan ini,  Allah loves you, seriously. Otherwise, He won't choose you to bear all this. Of all the people, He sees you, He knows that you can take control of your life despite all the problems you're facing now.  Sek

Bad bad bad

I don't know why I tend to be so sensitive nowadays. PMS? I really don't know why. And at school today, I cried in laughter. Literally, crying. Maybe it was not because of merely being embarrassed by my own action, but you see, when we have so many things in our mind, we just have to let them go. To me, it usually happens through crying. I have been doing experiments on myself regarding this one particular fact. Problem statement: Does the sadness lift off when I cry? Aim: To investigate the relationship between crying and the amounts of burden on the shoulder after crying. Manipulated Variable: The presence of tears. Responding Variable: The feeling post-crying. Fixed Variable: ??? Hypothesis: The amounts of burden on the shoulder decreases when the tears are present. Procedure: When facing problems, tell Allah that you are weak, that you will always need Him in helping you to be strong. And just let the tears stream down your face. You'll feel somewhat

Trial SPM

7As 3Cs, alhamdulillah, tiada E dalam result. Cs for: Physics Additional Mathematics Chemistry I cannot be an engineer ey? Nampak sangat, tidak boleh. Haha, siapa kata aku nak jadi jurutera? Tolong la. But but but, the people keep on telling me to be a doctor. Seriously? Saya kesian kat patients saya nanti, dapat doctor yang tak nak jadi doctor pun. So, tak apa lah, kita tengok macam mana nanti ye? Semoga apa yang diberikan oleh-Nya dapat aku terima dengan redha, amin.

Hantu (and hello October)

The ghost of my past has just arrived. It knocks on my door and causes me to tremble hard that I am so afraid I might get infected by the virus it brings about. ~ Looking back at the past, I couldn't believe my eyes that I have gone through sooo many silly things which make me ME currently. The Amalina today is waaay too different from the missy left behind. Thank God that He drags me back to the path which I should have taken long ago.   Entah kenapa tiba-tiba masuk mode memory lane dengan A & S kat sekolah tadi. Buka balik cerita zaman jahiliyah (sekarang pun masih jahil, seriously!), revealing the rotten dead bodies inside my closet . I hope that I am not proud of myself back then, the girl who hmmm, was not good, from my personal point of view. Zaman yang baru nak kenal dunia? Maybe, sebab tu lah perangai macam apa je. I thought that I have forgotten the memories as I rarely talk about it with anybody. But it turns out that I still keep it, though I hate to talk a