
Showing posts from May, 2015

The Journey: 4 - Almost The End

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Today is already Sunday. We'll be having our final A2 paper tomorrow ( English Language Paper 4 ) and soon to leave this lovely place, our beloved KMS family, the cats & forever beautiful sky of Seremban. How surreal. How fast the time flies that we have finally come to the end of two years holding the title of a KMS-ian.  I cannot express how grateful I am for being able to live here. To learn the meaning of life with so many memories etched in my heart. So many names filling in the blank spaces within me that I don't want to erase by any means. Alhamdulillah that He causes this to happen.  I remember the du'a that I made before receiving the offer from MARA to pursue pre-uni education here. I asked from Allah that 'if coming here would do me good, please make it easy for me'. Allah never disappoints His servants, true? Yes, my du'a has been answered and I'm totally sure of His decision of putting me here amo

The Journey: 3 - Sociology

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. I am in the middle of exam month and I just need some space to fill this blank white box with dancing alphabets. So yeah, let's talk about Sociology. First and foremost, I'd like to express my utter gratitude upon the chance that Allah gives for me to spend my two years studying here - bumi berkat KMS. This place has taught me 1001 (and more) lessons of life that I shall not forget and maybe I can say that being inspired by the people and the lessons learnt that I am able to mentally produce a life-survival kit? Learning Sociology as one of the subjects to pass our A-Levels here is one blessing that I am thankful for. Initially, I couldn't understand any of the arguments being forwarded by the sociologists, what more with the ever-so-sophisticated English words in the textbooks. It was just difficult to totally grasp what we were learning during the first semester. However, from time to time, I began to gain more understanding of