
Showing posts from October, 2013

My interpretation of sacrifice

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. * The absence of the festivity implores me to spend my Eid morning working on my Sociology essay in front of the laptop, accompanied by the voice coming from TV Al-Hijrah. The house is empty. The boys are at the surau, probably watching the cows & goats being slaughtered and ayah is maybe helping the pak cik slaughtering the animals. Ibu is sending the food to the relatives' houses. I am multi-tasking. Doing research for my essay, watching TV and taking care of Hasif at one time. * Today's topic is sacrifice. As a student, what I am sacrificing now is my time. Sacrificing the nafs for entertainment, the nafs to sleep, merely for the sake of studying, insyaAllah for Him. The sacrifice doesn't need to be huge and prominent to the world. Let it just be known to ourselves and it's sufficient to be presented to Allah soon. As long as the niat is pure and sincere, Allah will reward us for the sacrifice that we make as a child, stude


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. All praises to Allah that I am home again. After spending 3 weeks at the college right after Eid break, accompanied by the Sun and the rain (FYI the excessive exposure under the hot weather caused my skin to turn darker T^T), yes, I am finally home again, alhamdulillah. Despite the fact that I actually came home last weekend via train and most importantly BY MYSELF (tapi dari Seremban sampai BTS, Ipah ada je dalam komuter dengan saya ihik), that doesn't count because it was only for 3 days. And the experience travelling from Seremban to KL by using public transports was indeed thrilling. But I daresay that it is not recommended for a lady to travel by herself without being accompanied by anybody because safety comes first. The decision to go home via public transports last week was made due to the unbearable desire to surprise my family at home and the fact that homework was not that many amplified the desire even more. Thank God that He eased my jo