(Drafted & published after 5 years) Being grateful

Hyde Park, London - December 2015


The thought of keeping this blog updated has always been floating in my head. However, at one point, it gets stuck in the middle of nowhere and ends up staying afloat instead. The fact that I am less busy if compared to the college days can't actually be made as a motivation to keep on writing here. Therefore, I apologise.

Being away from home for 5 months (like seriously?!) while simultaneously learning to become a competent adult is simply a challenge in itself. Especially for a person who's still getting to know herself by expanding the comfort zone as she suddenly gets thrown into an alien place through and through.

(Okay tak lah suddenly sangat - plus memang tak thrown pun - sebab persediaan 2 tahun kat Seremban tu untuk apa pulak kan haih)

We have always had this idea that our goal would be to pursue our studies abroad come hail or high water. We (or rather I) actually mentally constructed an equation of:

Study in the UK + September 2015 + getting sponsored = HAPPINESS

Little did we know that Allah's decided every thing and our happiness can appear in so many unimaginable forms and it doesn't necessarily have to prove the equation. That we can always be happy no matter how absurd the path may be. 
